The Friday the 13th franchise is one of the most beloved in the entire scope of modern horror. The series was a titan of the 1980s and, as is evidenced by the upcoming video game coming out later this...
Space horror gets a bit of a bad rap. Even when it comes down to the iconic classic of Alien, people tend to stand adamantly on one side of the fence or the other as to whether they even consider it&#...
Once a horror movie becomes a franchise, it opens itself up to a brand new world of merchandising possibilities. Fans will be able to wear all manner of apparel, from T-shirts down to shoes. The more ...
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that causes sufferers to fear and often avoid situations which cause them to feel trapped or helpless. For many people, these feared circumstances involve being in p...
We have a lot of love for slasher movies around these parts. Even if there are very few of them being made these days, they’re some of the first horror films that we learn about, usually some o...
A lot of things come to mind when we think of The Asylum. We think of terrible, awful mockbusters. And for the most part, we’re right. This company is known for putting out films ahead of major...
Anticipating release dates for horror films can be just as much fun as actually watching them. Ideally I would love to be the first in line at every horror movie premiere, or to be the first customer ...
There’s a wide spectrum between good and bad in horror. Genre movies aren’t simply good or bad. There’s a lot of gray area. Some movies that aren’t as well made o...
It’s easy to think of some of the most disturbing deaths you’ve seen in a horror movie. People can likely think of those that had the most immediate, visceral impact. But in...