It’s easier to be scared of monsters when you’re young. Everything’s new, everything’s mysterious. You’re never really sure what’s out there in the dark. Brow...
Horror films have long served as a mirror, showing us our (often ugly) faces. Horror is also the genre that most frequently deals with the supernatural, and by extension, Christianity. I reflected on ...
For most fans, the 1960s were a transition point between the classical horror era and the more realistic modern era that began with titles like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Last Hous...
I love trailers. A lot of people don’t, and I understand that. It’s great to be completely surprised by a movie. It’s excellent to go in with that kind of willpower, but I just do...
Vampire comedies, like vampires themselves, tend to come and go. They’re not always popular but even when they aren’t, they’re still being produced in some capacity. The bigg...
Outside of Sherlock Holmes, Dracula has seen more appearances on screen than any other fictional character. The book remains the single most frequently adapted novel in history. Given that, it seems o...
We all know how it goes. When a horror film becomes successful, it becomes a franchise. Once that happens sequels start to be churned out at amazing speed. Usually, when a studio forces a sequel ...
The heyday of video store was a great time for kids like me who—at that time, at least—weren’t overly worried about plot and production values and just wanted to see cool, interes...
Every director starts somewhere. Most do not start out directing their own feature. Usually, they have to begin somewhere else—whether it be making short films or working on someone else’...