In the history of horror, threequels, have been incredibly significant to their respective franchises. Usually, the order of operations starts with a first movie that delivers a massive level success....
Found footage films have overflowed the horror market for the past decade. Despite harsh critiques for ‘shaky, disorientating camera-work’ and ‘derivative, unoriginal storylines,&...
Horror comedies are extremely hard to pull off. Yet, despite that, comedy and horror are more entwined than any two other genres. Both of them completely come down to timing. Setting up a scare and se...
One of the most obvious parts of the filmgoing experience is the presentation of images given to the audience. Many factors contribute to the scare factor in a horror film, such as sound, acting, tens...
Throughout the history of horror movies, all different species of animals have bucked back against humanity. But rarely do these creatures succeed in the end. Human vs. creature is the simplest of mov...
Filmmakers love to reference other filmmaker’s work, and this is especially true in the horror genre. The Scream franchise is built upon movie references and in-jokes. It ushered in an age of m...
This has been the hardest year for coming up with a top 10 list that I can remember, and it’s definitely not because I struggled to find favorites. We have seen some greats in recent years, but...
Exorcisms in horror movies and exorcisms in real life are quite different. In real life, they look a lot like this. In movies, they can be extremely overdramatic, it’s like an epic battle scene...
Kids movies are great. As cinephiles, they’re the first titles we fall in love with, even if many of them are far from perfect. Some of them, though, are great and still hold up when you w...