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Dracula (Gerard Butler) is awake and ready to raise hell in Patrick Lussier's 2000 vampire film Dracula 2000.

Dracula 2000 is a Noticeably Flawed but Often Enjoyable Update [Retrospective]

Upon its initial release, the majority of critics panned Dracula 2000. The film was accused of being a shameless rip-off of superior material and not brining anything new or noteworthy to the table. T...

Robot Awakening scene

Robot Awakening is a Cool Concept, Executed Inadequately [Review]

The problem with a movie like Robot Awakening is that no matter how I describe it you you, it’s going to sound like something more interesting than it actually is. So, with plenty of hesitation...

Early slasher movies that should have become classics - The Burning -Shameless ripoffs that gave the original a run for its money

Early Slasher Movies That Should Have Become Classics

There are not a lot of slasher movies that have become classics in the horror genre. Psycho is widely thought of as the grand-daddy of the sub-genre and is viewed as one of the best hor...

Why Shocker was a surprisingly personal movie for wes craven

Shocker is Silly, Fun, and Under-Appreciated [Retrospective]

Upon its release in 1989, critics universally panned Shocker. It was a modest box office success but certainly didn’t set any records. Due to bad reviews and a less than perfect screenplay from...

Black Christmas

Black Christmas is the Perfect Horror Movie to End 2019 [Review]

The release of Black Christmas 2019 brings with it a lot of baggage, given the title’s connection to the beloved 1974 original and its unfairly maligned, yet inarguably messy, 2006 remake. Haven...


Everything #4 Picks up the Pace [Comic Review]

Everything started rocky, but it’s finally hit its stride. More than anything, it’s because like issue 3, issue 4 has moved beyond hinting at questions and has started hinting at answers...

The Butcher of Paris #1 [Comic Review]

The Butcher of Paris #1 opens with a man being chased by Nazis through occupied Paris in 1944. He doesn’t make it very far before he’s captured, and told that, “By the end of the ...

Knives and Skin Riffs on, Improves Twin Peaks [Review]

Jennifer Reeder’s Knives and Skin has frequently been compared to David Lynch’s Twin Peaks. It’s a good comparison. Both focus on the waves of grief that ripple out through a smal...

Daniel isn’t Real is Visually Pleasing Brain Candy [Review]

“And…the king of all wild things, was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all.” -Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are What do you get when you let a very, ve...