Feedback follows Dolan Jarvis (Eddie Marsan, Ray Donovan, The World’s End) a successful late night talk show host who discusses hard hitting political topics. In the first few minutes of his sh...
Welcome creeps and cretins to a new Wicked Horror column called Revulsion Rewind. Here we will discuss all of our favorite forgotten horror gems. Those obscure treasures that made you cringe, lau...
Demon Squad follows Nick Moon (Khristian Fulmer, The Night Shift), a paranormal private investigator and his new hired hand Daisy O’Reilly (Erin Lilley, The Night Shift). Nick quickly real...
Everything goes wrong in the California set, Iranian horror film The Night because Babak (Shahab Hosseini) wants to sleep in his own bed. After a night of partying with his brother, he insists that hi...
It is The Color Out of Space which H.P. Lovecraft regarded as his favorite among his tales. That’s high praise from an author known for being overly critical of his work. Enter director Richard ...
Abel Ferry’s High Lane is a French language film that – like most foreign language films – should be watched with subtitles, rather than the opting for the dubbed version. I bring ...
Justin Long should do more horror movies. His brand of schlubby, down-on-his-luck nerd lends itself incredibly well to situations of escalating tension and terror, all the way back to Jeepers Creepers...
“Doldrums. Doldrums. Eviler than the Devil. Boredom makes men to villains.” It may not come as a shock to learn that one of my favorite pastimes is going to the movies. Preferably alone. A...
The shorter a story is, the less room it has to sag. At four issues, The Butcher of Paris is going to be about as short as limited comic series get. Unfortunately, the second issue, “The Reign ...