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Body Bags

Mixed Bag: Why ‘Body Bags’ is a Rough Around the Edges Anthology (That’s Still Absurdly Fun)

Body Bags, is easily one of the most overlooked titles John Carpenter directed. It’s far from the classic status of Halloween or The Thing, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t warran...

Best Jack Ketchum Novels

Four Essential Novels by Jack Ketchum

If you are not familiar with the name Jack Ketchum, you definitely should be. A pseudonym for author Dallas Mayr, Jack Ketchum put his dark mark on horror fiction for over thirty years, with...

This Shocking, Controversial Documentary Was Banned for Decades for This Surprising Reason

In 1967, Frederick Wiseman and John Marshall made a documentary called Titicut Follies after spending 29 days in Bridgewater State Hospital. Located in Massachusetts, Bridgewater was a correctional in...

The Girl Next Door (2007) review

‘The Girl Next Door’ (2007) is Terrifying and Intense [Review]

The Girl Next Door (2007) is based on the Jack Ketchum novel of the same name. The film takes inspiration from a series of terrifying real-life events. Gregory Wilson directed this jarring picture. Th...

‘Oddity’ is Effective Supernatural Horror But Lacks Entertainment Value [Review]

To start, I want to make sure that I give Oddity, a new Irish supernatural and melodramatic horror movie, its flowers for being effectively scary and expertly crafted. You would be hard pressed to fin...

‘Longlegs’ is a Menacing Masterpiece [Review]

Title says it all. I hate declaring for something being a masterpiece so blatantly, and I especially hate doing it when there are things, albeit very few things, about the movie Longlegs that make it ...

Stigmata is Essential ‘90s Religious Horror [The Rabid Dog’s House]

The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings with a little bite. Flying solo...

‘The Exorcism’ Works Because of Russell Crowe [Review]

When the poster for The Exorcism first dropped, a certain sect of horror fans was positively gleeful about the fact that Russell Crowe had ostensibly made the same movie twice, in quick succession. Ho...

‘In a Violent Nature’ is Grisly and Vicious But That’s Not Necessarily Enough [Review]

In a Violent Nature, a new Canadian slasher from writer/director Chris Nash, is extremely deliberate in its concept and execution. Because of that, In a Violent Nature has many strengths, but just as ...