I’ve been thinking about My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To for days after viewing it. It’s a slow burn flick that I loved it for many reasons. The film follows a family of...
Some scars never really fade. When I Consume You centers on the Shaw siblings, who escaped their abusive family home for a new life in New York City. The (mostly) unexplained horrors of their upbringi...
The Righteous has a palpably chilly atmosphere from the opening frames. Lit like a prisoner on trial, a man prays for guidance. A rural church has a funeral for a child. A remote farmhouse sits along ...
The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings. Flying solo or with his c...
The titular heroine of Ghosting Gloria/ Muerto Con Gloria’s life certainly isn’t exactly what she expected at thirty years old. Her love of literature has netted her little more than a dem...
Hellbender is arguably the most anticipated movie playing Fantasia 2021, picked up by Shudder even before it premiered, and for good reason as it turns out. We’ve been so preconditioned not to ...
Over 7 years in the making, Takahide Hori’s stop motion epic Junk Head has had a long journey to this year’s Fantasia Fest. Initially a well received 2013 short, the feature length cut was...
There’s a recurring mini challenge on Ru Paul’s Drag Race in which the queens are tasked with making puppets of each other and then using them in a performance, typically while making in...
Coming Home In The Dark opens on the sort of family vacation I’m not sure exists outside of the movies. The sky is clear, the rural New Zealand scenery whizzing past the windows breathtakingly g...