The Good Neighbor (which is a reimagining of the 2011 German film of the same name) tells the story of David (Luke Kleintank), an American journalist who’s just arrived in Latvia. Set to m...
The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings with a little bite. Flying...
Religious horror is one of my favorite sub-genres. I jump at the chance to check out any new book or film within this realm. Sometimes what’s new turns out to be a mediocre attempt at emu...
We’ll always have a cultural fascination with aliens. People will always want to know whether or not we’re alone in the universe and if we ever came into contact with beings from beyond ...
Synth music and horror have always complimented each other. From building suspense and terror to complimenting the sometimes horrific and beautiful visuals, synth and horror are forever wedded in mali...
Don Coscarelli’s Phantasm is a mostly undisputed genre classic. It’s an intense, atmospheric ‘70s horror that spawned a franchise that has spanned several decades. Those that...
The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings with a little bite. Flying...
Cult movies – and by that, I mean movies about cults, not something like Rocky Horror – have grown exponentially in popularity thanks to high-profile exposés about Scientology, NXIV...
Stuart Gordon is best remembered for his 1985 debut film, Re-Animator. With buckets of blood and a decapitated head giving head (a visual pun Gordon’s high school buddy and frequent writer Denn...