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The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Season 5 Blu-Ray Review

Releasing August 25 from Anchor Bay Entertainment is the jam-packed and stunning Blu-Ray + Digital HD edition of The Walking Dead: The Complete Fifth Season. The set includes three hours of ...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Comic Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #18

The crossover with Angel & Faith comes to a fitting end in the conclusion of Old Demons. It’s been interesting over the course of these last few issues to see how Angel interacts with the w...

Cult Corner: Severed (2002)

Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… Matt Green’s Severed. Severed is rather straightforward in ...


Hannibal Recap – Season 3, Episode 12

It’s almost over, Fannibals. There’s only one more episode left of NBC’s groundbreaking Hannibal, a show that managed to do so much for the continually growing realm of cinematic tel...

Bite Movie 2016

Frightfest 2015 Spotlight: Bite

In less than a week, Frightfest takes over the Vue in Leicester Square. With that in mind, Joey Keogh takes a  final look at one of the most-anticipated movies on this year’s jam-packed sc...

Sinister II The movie poster for the movie Sinister directed by Scott Derrickson and starring Ethan Hawke. reviewed by nicola odeku - sinister 2

Sinister 2 Disappoints More Than it Thrills [Review]

In 2012, writer-director Scott Derrickson struck (mainstream) horror movie gold with Sinister, a dark, brooding, slow burner loaded with jump scares that introduced audiences to a brand new, wannabe H...

Comic Review: The Tomorrows #2

The second issue of Curtis Pires’ The Tomorrows changes things up from the first one in a number of ways. It’s weird that we’re only an issue in and it already feels like a depart...

POD (2015) [Advance Review]

Ed (Dean Cates) and Lyla (Lauren Ashley Carter) have not seen their brother Martin (Brian Morvant) in a long time. The trio doesn’t appear to be very close. When Ed mentions to Lyla that his chi...

Book Review: X-Files Archives Vol 1

X-Files Archives Volume 1: Whirlwind and Ruins is a compilation of two previously released, stand-alone novels by prominent science fiction writers. IDW Publishing released this volume this week,...