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The Slaughterhouse Massacre

The Slaughterhouse Massacre [Cult Corner]

Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… Paul Gagne’s The Slaughterhouse Massacre. Have you ever see...


Why You Should Watch Madhouse if You Haven’t Already!

Madhouse was directed by William Butler, who is no stranger to the horror community. The film follows a man named Clark Stevens who begins his internship at Cunningham Hall, a mental institution. Clar...

Bet Taylor-Klaus on Scream

Scream: The Series Recap: Finale

The finale opens with a Wes Craven tribute, which was extremely short, but they only had a few days to put it together. It’s nice for what it is and the intent is clear, and it’s fitting...

Redeemer is Muddled and Suffers from Budgetary Constraints

Redeemer sees a former cartel hitman (Marko Zaror) take on the evil around him by becoming a vigilante in an attempt to atone for the sins of his past. The Blu-ray disc for the film arrived ...

Aliens: Salvation

Aliens: Salvation [Comic Review]

In the long comic book history of Aliens, which stretches back over twenty years, Salvation has always been ranked as one of the best. It’s a fan favorite, if not the fan favorite comic. With a...

Fight Club 2 - Comic

Comic Review: Fight Club 2, Issue 4

As quickly as he made it there, Sebastian is swept from the oven and into the inferno, as the regime finally accepts him back into the club. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Marla bounds from spin...

What We DO in the Shadows - vampire movies that went overlooked.

Six Recent Vampire Movies That Went Overlooked

In recent years, there has been a notion that vampires have all but disappeared from the horror genre, instead having moved on to dominate the field of paranormal romance in the wake of smash hit youn...

Cult Corner: Dead Evidence

Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… Charlie Haskell’s Dead Evidence. If you’ve ever want...

Comic Review: Godzilla in Hell 2

Godzilla in Hell #2 is the first comic featuring the giant that I’ve read in recent years, but it lived up to all of my expectations. In the first panel Bob Eggleton describes the creature’...