Nerd Block is a subscription mystery box that delivers geeky collectibles right to your door each month. You can choose whatever theme box you are into–there’s the Classic Block, Ar...
Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… J.R. Bookwalter’s The Dead Next Door. At the risk of soundi...
A prehistoric slasher movie with an all-female cast, and a band on hand for spontaneous jam sessions, that quite literally (and quite proudly) looks as though it was filmed down at the local park? It ...
This Australian gem centers around a boy named Brent who lost his Father in a car accident. He frequently cuts himself and suffers from severe depression. There’s a void between him and hi...
Horror comedy is an increasingly difficult sub-genre to pull off. Go too meta and you risk alienating newcomers, not self-referential enough and horror fans will get bored. Nonetheless, it’s bec...
Kaulder, a valiant witch hunter is cursed with immortality by the queen witch and when he reaches modern times, he is the only one of his kind remaining. Witches, however, still abound in gr...
All Hallows Eve (2013), written and directed by Damien Leone, was a refreshing take on the horror anthology. The film had a simple but solid premise that was used as a framing device for the omni...
I’ve been intrigued a lot by this third arc because it’s never been entirely clear exactly what was going on—in a good way—but everything comes to a head in this issue with...
With Illyria appearing on the cover of the issue and everything, I expected her to be in it a whole lot more. Still, that problem aside, there’s a lot to enjoy in Angel & Faith #23. Al...