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Advance Blu-ray Review: Frankenstein (2015)

Given that it’s directed by Candyman helmer Bernard Rose, I expected Frankenstein to be good. But I was actually pleasantly surprised by how good it is, considering that I was initially th...

11.22.63 Franco

Review: 11.22.63 – Episode 1

Based on the recent Stephen King bestseller, 11.22.63 is a miniseries with some frankly amazing star power attached. This could easily have been a major studio film with actors like James Franco and C...

Nina Forever

Review: Nina Forever Is A Sweet, Sexy And Surprisingly Poignant Rom-Zom-Com

Back in 2004, a little British zombie flick, with an on-the-nose title, called Shaun Of The Dead bludgeoned its way into our collective hearts while simultaneously, and somewhat unknowingly, kick-star...

Dire Wolf

Cult Corner: Dire Wolf

Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick: Fred Olen Ray’s Dire Wolf. Dire Wolf is a fairly basic story. Sci...

Turbo Kid 2

Review: Turbo Kid (Limited Edition Blu-Ray) Kicks Ass!

Turbo Kid is a violent, post-apocalyptic, BMX love story with an outcast orphan child taking center stage. It is a throwback to the awesomely bad grindhouse epics of the 1980s. It&...

Presidents Day

Blood Red White House: Five Horror Movies to Watch on President’s Day

You would not think that President’s Day would really lend itself to horror movies. Of course, you wouldn’t think Valentine’s Day would either, yet we have classics like My Bloody...

Terror Teds

Gift Guide: Terror Teds

Gift Guide is a recurring segment on Wicked Horror where we showcase macabre inspired gift ideas for you or the horror fan in your life. Have an idea for something we should feature on Gift Guide...

Crimson Peak

Blu-ray Review: Crimson Peak is an Atmospheric Gothic Ghost Story

In Crimson Peak a young woman moves into her new husband’s family home, which is located atop a mountain made of red clay. Once there, she begins to notice restless spirits lurking aro...

Cabin Fever

Review: Cabin Fever (2016) is Uninspired and Tedious

Cabin Fever catches up with a group of friends that rent a cabin in the woods for a wilderness getaway. Shortly after the fivesome arrives at their destination, they begin to notice strange going...