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Comic Review: H.P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories Is A Wonderful Adaptation

H.P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories is a manga adaption, by Gou Tanabe, of three of H.P. Lovecraft’s short stories, namely The Temple, The Hound, and The Nameless City. The Temple...

Book cover for A God in the Shed by J-F. Dubeau

Book Review – A God in the Shed by J-F. Dubeau

If you’re looking for some summer reading that is both unsettlingly gory and a fascinating supernatural mystery, then you need to pick up A God in the Shed. It is the second novel from prom...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Comic

Comic Review: Buffy Season 11 #8

Faith is back! After losing her position as a co-lead when Angel & Faith reverted back to Angel, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen to a character I was used to seeing in the spotlight....

Looking at Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale Through the Eyes of Feminist Horror

If you are not watching The Handmaid’s Tale, then I urge you to begin to do so immediately. In lieu of any plot synopsis or spoiler warnings, I will shamelessly urge you to read my previous art...

Pumpkinhead - Nat's Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

How Pumpkinhead Became a Cult Classic

Stan Winston’s Pumpkinhead is one of the most underrated monster movies of all time. It took a couple of years after completion for it to gain an audience, and then a few years after that for i...

The Fog 1980

The Fog is an Impressive and Under-Appreciated Ghost Story!

John Carpenter found incredible success with Halloween, but it was not a success right away. He moved on to the next project believing that the film had been a flop. The early reviews and the early ti...

Review: Camera Obscura Is Like A Grown-Up Say Cheese And Die (But Less Fun)

2014’s Starry Eyes was an ambitiously flawed genre exercise in low-budget shocks that catapulted those involved into the hearts and minds of horror fans. Aaron B. Koontz, a producer on that film...

Comic Review: Harrow County Issue #24 Pits Friends Against Each Other In Spite Of The Real Evil At Play Elsewhere

The Harrow County comic book series revolves around a small southern town that is plagued by magic and disturbing paranormal activity. As Harrow County Issue #24 begins, Emmy and Bernice have a showdo...

Review: Devil’s Whisper Utilizes A Typical Exorcism Narrative To Transcend Overdone Demonic Storylines

Devil’s Whisper follows Alejandro Duran, a good, Latin-Catholic boy who aims to be a priest when he grows up. However, after discovering a cross that belonged to his grandfather, Alejandro ...