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The Shape of Water is Visually Enchanting

Four Oscars achieved should be enough reason for you to watch The Shape of Water. Guillermo del Toro at the helm should further the assertion that you need to see this movie. But if these pearls don&#...

Unsane Is A Terrifyingly Realistic Portrayal Of How Women Are Disbelieved

To live in this world as a woman is to be constantly on edge. Afraid of who might be lurking around the corner, at the end of the street, on the train, in the parking lot. A sequence in Steven Soderbe...

Friday the 13th

Six Reasons We’re Still Nostalgic For ’80s Horror

The 1980s are considered by a great number of fans to be the golden age of horror cinema. A lot of people grew up in the era, so it is only natural that they are so affected by the movies made within ...


Comic Review: Subspecies #1 is a Strong Start to Radu’s Comeback

Action Lab proved to be able to take the reigns of a B-Movie franchise and completely reinvigorate it with Puppet Master. Their other Full Moon-related titles have brought on some of the comic world&#...


Followers Proves Internet Horror Is Here To Stay [Review]

Internet horror is so hot right now. And why shouldn’t it be? Facebook is stealing our data, Twitter is turning us all into hate-filled monsters, and Instagram is…well, according to new mo...

Imitation Girl

Imitation Girl Asks, What’s a Doppleganger to Someone Leading a Double Life?

According to researchers at Princeton, there are two types of thinking. System 1 thinking is quick. You use it constantly. Driving to work, you use it to decide when to put on your turning signal. Coo...

Children of the Corn: Runaway

Children of the Corn: Runaway is a Surprising Step Up [Blu-Ray Review]

The Children of the Corn franchise has been suffering as long as it has been a franchise. The first movie has become a cult favorite, but definitely has its noticeable flaws. The sequels began an imme...

Ichi the Killer

Blu-Ray Review: Ichi the Killer is a Stunning Restoration of One of Takashi Miike’s Best

Ichi the Killer is one of the most influential movies of the early 2000s. It is absolutely one of the standout films from director Takashi Miike, which says a lot, because he’s directed over 10...


Prodigy Is A Tense, Expertly Contained Psycho-Thriller

Demon kids have been de rigeur in horror since scary movies were a thing, from Children of the Corn to Orphan. In fact, according to certain people, all horror movies are either about a haunted house ...