This quasi-follow up to Cloverfield is directed by Dan Trachtenberg. It marks his feature film directorial debut. The picture stars John Goodman (Red State), Mary Elizabeth Winste...
Southbound tells the interconnected tales of a group of travelers heading down the same isolated desert road, one fateful evening. Each of them quickly discovers that entering the seemi...
A family of seven relocates to a remote part of New England after being banished from their church. They set out with plans to start anew but their meager existence is challenged when their ...
Greta (Lauren Cohan of The Walking Dead) jets off to Europe for a position as a nanny in a small English village. She plans to start anew after a messy breakup and the change of geograp...
MTV’s Scream: The Series was renewed for a second season almost immediately after its premiere, due to strong viewer response. Fans of the show won’t have to wait long for the de...
When a young couple’s regular babysitter is unable to watch their brood, she gives a recommendation for a friend who is available to sit. But what they do not realize is that the replacemen...
A peaceful, small town in Marin County, California suddenly becomes anything but when a mysterious blackout occurs, rendering all of its residents unconscious for a spell. Once the residents rega...
When a young boy loses his Christmas spirit, he unknowingly unleashes The Krampus, a centuries old demon that punishes the disillusioned. He and his family quickly find themselves in a position where ...
When a trio of ruffians breaks into what they think is an empty home, they are confronted by a young woman suffering from severe agoraphobia. What they aren’t expecting is for her to turn the ta...