Lights Out tells the tale of an unknown brand of evil that manifests in total darkness. A young woman named Rebecca learns that her younger brother is experiencing the same strange and myste...
Following the Spanish Civil War, a young girl is sent to stay with her Mother’s new husband. When reality becomes too painful for her, she conjures a fantasy world that provides her wi...
A group of teenage friends are invited to a waxwork that seemingly appears overnight. Once there, they discover that they are the only guests and the exhibits (many of which feature classic Hollywood ...
Perhaps I mention this too much, but one more time couldn’t hurt: Child’s Play is my favorite horror film. It is one of my earliest memories of watching a horror feature, pr...
The Purge films take place in a future where, one night a year, all crime is legal, including murder. In this third installment, a senator running for President on the platform of ending the annu...
Hank Has given up on life and is intent upon bringing his to an end. But right as he is getting ready to take his own life, Manny, a seemingly lifeless corpse, washes up on the beach next to him. Hank...
Satanic centers on a spring break trip that goes from fun adventure toying with sinister magic to a quick descent into despair. Chloe (played by Modern Family’s Sarah Hyland) and her straitlace...
Blood Diner finds a pair of cannibalistic brothers cooking up comfort food for their customers and business is booming. What their patrons do not realize is that the duo are serving up the flesh ...
Chopping Mall finds a group of friends locked in their local shopping center when they stay after hours to party. The storm that is brewing outside causes the mall’s security...