Septic Man tells the story of sewage worker named Jack that sets out on a quest to determine the cause of the town’s water contamination problem. But shortly after descending into the sewe...
[soliloquy id=”6749″] In Ouija, a group of close friends reeling from the death of one of their comrades attempt to make contact with the other side. Instead of reaching their fallen ...
[soliloquy id=”6636″] Into the Storm is an elemental thriller that pits a group of high school students against a Category 6 tornado. While trying to survive the storm, the ...
As much as many say they are now bored with the Paranormal Activity franchise, I’m not. I love all the movies no matter how predictable yet confusing they’ve become and I will be checkin...
[soliloquy id=”6432″] The critically acclaimed Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a visual treat and a masterpiece for Matt Reeves and crew. When we last left the apes at the end of 20...
[soliloquy id=”6484″] Mad Max: Fury Road is a project that has been many years in the making. It will serve as the fourth installment in the series and is not a reboot. The film ...
[soliloquy id=”6446″] Dracula Untold is a high-profile retelling of the ages old story of Dracula. It mixes the real life exploits of Vlad the Impaler with the Dracula mytho...
Fans of the successful and strange anthology feature The Theatre Bizarre will be pleased to hear of the crème de la crème directors for its sequel, Theatre Bizarre 2: Grand Guignol. Alt...
Rec 4: Apocalypse is a sequel to the second film in the Rec franchise. It picks up immediately after the events of Rec 2. Manuela Velasco (Rec 2) will play Angela once again in this installm...