Speak No Evil opens with a contextless ride down a long dark road, before abandoning genre conventions for less foreboding settings. When we meet Bjorn (Morten Burian), his wife Louisa (Sidsel Si...
Welcome back to New on Netflix, an up-to-date list of the latest horror movies, shows, and true crime documentaries streaming on Netflix. Here’s what’s new this week on Netflix: Archive ...
Happy New Year! Welcome back to New on Netflix, an up-to-date list of the latest horror movies, shows, and true crime documentaries streaming on Netflix. Here’s what’s new this week on N...
Merry Christmas! Welcome back to New on Netflix, an up-to-date list of the latest horror movies, shows, and true crime documentaries streaming on Netflix. Here’s what’s new this week on ...
The unavailability of Iván Zulueta’s Arrebato has wrapped the film in a shroud. It still demands a viewer’s pact with puzzlement as something of an admission fee. I’ve known ...
Mill Of The Stone Women was the first Italian film to be shot in color, and it was financially successful enough during its original Italian theatrical run to be a viable export (with some variety in ...
Serving as both my birthday and my favorite holiday, December 25th is the day I spend all year looking forward to. And as a horror fan, that means I’m always on the lookout for good holiday fict...
You can expect occasional dollops of horror with Spider-Man comics. Morbius, the living vampire, turned up first as a Spidey foe, after all. More dark storylines abound in the Spidey canon. But ...
Welcome back to New on Netflix, an up-to-date list of the latest horror movies, shows, and true crime documentaries streaming on Netflix. Here’s what’s new this week on Netflix: Two (202...