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Late Phases poster.

Late Phases Announces a Blu-Ray Release Date, Reveals Cover Art

Dark Sky has just released a first look at the Blu-Ray cover art for Late Phases. Head inside for the newly revealed artwork and a release date announcement. Late Phases is di...

American Horror Story: Freak Show Elsa Mars. Rose SIggins. AHS: Freak Show. This American Horror Story Teaser poster for Ryan Murphy's American Horror Story: Freak Show.

Watch Elsa Mars’ Final Performance of the Season Now!

FX has just sent over a video clip featuring Elsa Mars’ final performance of the season on American Horror Story: Freak Show. In the excerpt below, Ms. Mars covers the s...

XX Horror Anthology

All Female Horror Anthology XX Debuts a Poster

We are excited to announce that Magnet Releasing has shared a poster for their upcoming all female horror anthology XX. Head inside for your first look at the newly debuted one sheet! As we&...

Troma Logo

Sundance to Get Tromatized!

Get ready, Utah! Troma is heading to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City and are sure to bring their unique brand of off-the-wall humor with them. A representative from the distributor will be on ...

Stigmata Blu-ray art

Scream Factory Will be Releasing Stigmata on Blu-ray

In unexpected news, Scream Factory announced today that they will be releasing Stigmata on Blu-ray. The Blu-ray release is scheduled for this Spring. The genre film focused distrib...

Poster for Joe Lynch's Everly.

Joe Lynch’s Everly Debuts a Kick-Ass Trailer!

We are pleased to announce the debut of a kick-ass trailer for Joe Lynch’s latest directorial effort Everly. The film stars an ass-kicking Salma Hayek in the lead role. Head inside for...

Scream Factory! Distributing The Babadook on Blu-Ray, Release Date Announced

The Babadook popped up for pre-order earlier today on Amazon. The online megastore has the film’s release date listed as April 14, 2015.  According to the site, Scream Factory! wi...

The Phoenix Project Poster/

Check Out Two New Clips from Sci-Fi Shocker The Phoenix Project!

We have two new clips to share with you from the upcoming feature The Phoenix Project. The film is being billed as a sci-fi drama but it will definitely have some horror elements, as it is d...

Ejecta Poster

Sci-Fi Horror Thriller Ejecta Headed for Theaters and VOD Next Month

Today brings word from IFC Midnight that their horror-sci-fi-thriller Ejecta is headed for select theaters and video on demand outlets next month. Details on that and more after the break. T...