In the late 1980’s, the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise was at the top of its game. While the original had to gain success through word of mouth, Freddy’s Revenge was the top grossing ...
Frankenhooker is a ridiculous B-Movie. It is pure late 1980’s camp and that’s probably the best thing it can be. It’s the only way this was ever going to work. Yet it’s sur...
John Carpenter’s The Thing is often heralded as his masterpiece. It really is one of his best, in addition to being one of the best sci-fi horrors, one of the best body horrors, and just one of...
The first two Hellraisers are widely regarded as quintessential horror movies. The first has earned its place as a classic. The second may still leave some people on the fence but it is generally...
In this monthly series, a Wicked Horror writer presents an unpopular opinion about a particular genre offering and asks the oft-repeated question, “Is it just me?” In this installment,&n...
Clive Barker is widely regarded as one of the all-time masters of horror. It may seem weird, considering that most of his novels have been some form of fantasy. But on screen, he has definitely earned...
The 1980s is generally considered to be the golden age of slasher movies. Following the success of John Carpenter’s seminal classic Halloween (released in 1978), studios tried to capitalise on m...
[soliloquy id=”1613″] It’s hard to believe that Brad Anderson’s Session 9 is almost fifteen years old. Many of the horror films from the era in which it was made have not sto...
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise has always been a rocky one at best. There’s not really a direct sequel in the whole bunch. Save for a prequel to the 2003 remake, most of them offer up to...