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Felissa Rose Talks Zombie Killers and More [Exclusive Interview]

Felissa Rose is nothing short of an icon in the horror genre. She first appeared at the age of thirteen in the cult classic Sleepaway Camp, in which she played transgendered serial killer Angela. Sinc...

David Banks on CUT! [Exclusive]

Wicked Horror caught up with David Banks, who plays Lane in the upcoming horror film CUT! Banks clued us in on playing both the hero and the villain in the same picture, explained his inspir...

Starry Eyes

Alex Essoe Talks Starry Eyes (Exclusive)

Alex Essoe turned in one of the most arresting performances in a genre picture last year with her jarring portrayal of Sarah in Starry Eyes. She is ultra relatable and terrifying all at...

How They Live Bit Back At Yuppie Consumerism

[soliloquy id=”18936″] They Live is the most overtly political film John Carpenter ever made, and that’s saying something, as most of the director’s work touches on politi...

Debbie Harry in Videodrome

Videodrome is the Distilled Essence of Body Horror: Long Live the New Flesh

David Cronenberg’s Videodrome was very much a product of its era. It was made during a major boom in television, which was taking over and finally made it clear that it was not a passing fad an...

Horror films on Netflix - New on Netflix. Netflix logo for new to streaming movies.

New on Netflix

New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the week’s newest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service–and just in time for the weekend!&#x...

Dracula 1931

Why The Original Dracula Doesn’t Hold Up

The Universal monster movies are generally known to be part of the foundation of classic horror. There’s no real point in arguing this fact. While they are obviously dated and were made du...

Netflix Horror Spotlight: Zodiac (2007)

Netflix Horror Spotlight brings you Wicked Horror‘s top picks for what to watch on Netflix, whether it’s the latest indie darling, a classic masterpiece or a silly slasher that deserves a ...

Frankenstein vs. The Mummy

Director Damien Leone Talks Frankenstein vs. The Mummy

Frankenstein vs. The Mummy is an all-new independent horror film set for a Feb. 10 release that promises to bring together two of the biggest titans of terror in history. The referee of this fight, di...