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The Butcher of Paris #1 [Comic Review]

The Butcher of Paris #1 opens with a man being chased by Nazis through occupied Paris in 1944. He doesn’t make it very far before he’s captured, and told that, “By the end of the ...


Everything #3 [Comic Review]

Everything is a slow burn. Most of the first two issues are full of hints and two accidental deaths. To this point, the series has been burning too slowly, leaving this reader more bored than anxious....

Everything #2 [Comic Review]

Atmospheric horror is subjective. What makes one person anxious puts another to sleep, as was the case with me and It Comes at Night, though others loved the film. And maybe that’s what’...

Everything #1 is Missing Something [Comic Review]

Mystery can be a great way to drive a story forward. Not knowing who the killers are in Scream is the perfect ingredient to spice up an already great film. It’s human nature to want to know wha...

An Odd Case of Arson in Manor Black #1

Welcome back, comic lovers! Have I got an absolute gem for you this time around. From the creators of Harrow County and The Sixth Gun comes a gothic horror fantasy about a family of sorcerers in crisi...

She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #5 [Comic Review]

She Could Fly:The Lost Pilot #5 is a rare dud in what’s been an excellent series. It’s the second arc’s finale and it does have some stellar moments: characters you wouldn’...

Buffy #7

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #7 Sets Up Dark Things for Willow

One of the very best things about Boom! Studios ground-up approach to revamping Buffy is that even though this technically takes us back to the general age and vibe of season one, any character can ap...

Over the Garden Wall: Hollow Town

Strange Things Are Afoot in Over the Garden Wall: Hollow Town

Let me start this off with a declaration: If you have not seen Over the Garden Wall, you need to stop what you’re doing and watch it. Immediately. Debuting in 2014, Over the Garden Wall air...

Horrifying Visions, Betrayal and Familiar Faces in Stranger Things: SIX #2

Y’all. Y’all! Things are really heating up in the new issue of Stranger Things: SIX. Just when I thought I couldn’t love this sinister prequel anymore we get a delightfully weir...